In découpage (which comes from the French word découper) you have to cut the motifs and glue them with the proper glue, and you can use any paper ( which needs always to be sealed before cutting), with décopatch you have to use the proper paper for this technique which is much more thin, and before you glue it on the support you have to tear it, (when applying it to miniatures you have to choose paper with tiny motifs and tear it also in tiny fragments.
But in this case I decided to cut a mould in paper with the form and size I pretended (a rectangle) then using the mould to help I cut the decopatch paper and applyed it with the proper glue, you may consult the site of this product and see more details.
Please note that I covered also the feet of the table, this paper is so thin that it adheres to all forms.
Finally I decorated a border with tempera, painting african motifs, and then varnished with Aquapro Varnish.
Dont´t you want to try? It is very easy and very decorative.
I've just had a look at the decopatch website, it's a fascinating product, thanks for putting this info here, I have never heard of it before. I am excited to find that there is a stockist of it not very far from where I live so I will visit the store soon.